LP Jenkins Fellowship Application Form
Download the Application Form here:
Applications must comprise the following documents in the order specified, combined as a single PDF, and titled as the applicant's name in the format "Last Name, First Name.pdf":
• The completed and signed application form. Typed signatures will not be accepted.
• A narrative description of the proposed research, comprising a project rationale (with background and literature review), the proposed methodology (including all analytical methods for application to collected data), and anticipated outcomes and implications in the context of the Fellowship’s goals. This section must not exceed five pages.
• A complete budget for the entire project, listing all relevant components in detail. You must indicate which components would be funded by the Fellowship, and the sources of funding for all others (whether guaranteed/awarded or pending). For pending sources, you must indicate how you would fund the project in full if other applications are unsuccessful. This section must not exceed two pages.
• A personal statement from the applicant, outlining how and why they believe that can execute the study as proposed, and their experience, expertise or qualifications that might increase their probability of success in the field. This must not exceed two pages.
• The curriculum vitae of the applicant. This must not exceed ten pages.
• Letters of recommendation from supervisors or other academics in the field of study. These must not exceed a total of five pages. Applications must be returned electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Midnight PDT on 1 July each year. Only the successful applicant will be informed of their award by 1 August.