abdul_orangutanOur Australian partner, The Orangutan Project, is helping us process and deliver the Adopt-a-Tree certificate to you or someone of your choice. They will notify us of the transactions and transfer the funds to us so we can put the money to work planting trees. Everything, with the exception of the Abdul, the orangutan sculpture (for the $500 option), will be delivered to you as a set of PDF files.


Adopt a Tree Now!

Planting trees are a wonderful way to commemorate special events, give a gift, or honor the memory of a loved one. Trees provide a host of benefits whether they are planted in your own back yard or across the globe. Trees can, like sponges, help sequester carbon and thereby reduce the impact of man-made CO2 emissions. Locally, trees provide habitat for wildlife, food for people and animals, and stabilize the soil. A gift of a tree lasts for generations.

Working in conjunction with its Indonesian and Australian partners, OURF is providing the public with an opportunity to help with  planting and maintenance of trees in Sumatra through an Adopt-a-Tree Certificate Program:


Planting trees to contribute towards the reforestation of land adjacent to orangutan habitat. The Orangutan Caring Club of North Sumatra has permission from the Forestry Department to plant trees on 100 hectares of degraded land next to Gunung Leuser National Park as well as on buffer areas near villages next to the park through the MECU program.


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You can help OURF support the tree planting activities being carried out by the Orangutan Caring Club and the MECU team. You can choose how many trees to plant and the recipient of the tree-planting certificate.

Adopt a Tree Now!