LP Jenkins Memorial Fellowship
Mrs. Lorraine Phyllis Jenkins of Sacramento, California, was an elementary school teacher and a long-time supporter of orangutan research. She encouraged her son, Dr. Gary Shapiro, President of Orang Utan Republik Foundation (OURF) and Chairman of Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative, to enter the field to conduct orangutan research as a graduate student. Mrs. Jenkins died on November 21, 1997, following a losing battle with cancer. In her memory, the LP Jenkins Memorial Fellowship for Orangutan and Rainforest Research (LP Jenkins Fellowship) was created and administered through the Orangutan Foundation International until November 2004 when the OFI Board transferred the LP Jenkins Fellowship to the Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative at the request of Dr. Shapiro.
The LPJenkins Fellowship is a competitive award open to all graduate and undergraduate students planning to conduct field research on orangutans, related rainforest or conservation education in Indonesia. Two LP Jenkins Fellowships of $1,000 will be available for award in 2018.
Interested students are encouraged to apply each year in order to be considered. Applications for 2018 are due by July 1, 2018. Complete applications should be sent electronically to the Orang Utan Republik Foundation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. An OURF Review Committee will evaluate the merits of each submitted application and may recommend one or two recipients to the President of OURF. The winner(s) of the Fellowship will be notified by email by August 1st that year.
Applicants should realize that funds will not be disbursed to the Fellowship recipient until he or she show evidence of a valid research permit (if needed) to conduct their proposed study. Recipients are also expected to write two documents: one a popular report on their research to be published in OURF's newsletter, and a more scientific report of greater length which will be published by OURF in a series of occasional proceedings. Both reports should be submitted electronically in pdf format.
LP Jenkins Memorial Fellowship Application form is available on this website.
Note to donors: You can help support this important research education program by making a donation to OURF earmarked for the LP Jenkins Memorial Fellowship. You can send a check or make an online donation through Paypal. Be assured the donation will benefit a worthy student conducting important orangutan and/or rain forest research.