In-kind Donations
We do need help in locating the following donated items and services:
- - Printing services for our brochures, displays and banners
- - Office supplies and equipment (e.g., laptop computers for our Jakarta and Medan office, LCD projector)
- - Actual office space in Santa Monica, California
In addition, if you have items of value you would like to donate (cars, boats, jewelry, electronics), iDonate will help you and proceeds benefit OURF.
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can assist in donating any of these above mentioned items and services.
Thank you for your support of OUR efforts to save this endangered species through education. We are still a very small organization and we need the help of many people if we are to be successful. But there is no other option in OUR opinion. We must make sure the orangutan is still alive as a species for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to appreciate