Orangutan Caring Week 2009 Activities
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Check here to see where Orangutan Caring Week (8-14 November 2009) activities are being held in Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, UK, and the USA. Some events are part of Orangutan Awareness Week, Orangutan Awareness Day or Ape Awareness Week. We will list stories and images about the activities in this Blog section. If you plan to hold events this year, please email OUREI at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details so we can post your activities here. Also send us images of your events once they are completed.
Location: Indonesia, Medan and surrounding areas in N. Sumatra
Organizations: Orangutan Caring Club-N. Sumatra, Sumatran Orangutan Society-OIC, Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme, and other members of the Sumatran Orangutan Consortium

Event Details: The Sumatran Orangutan Consortium, lead by the Orangutan Caring Club-N. Sumatra (CPOI-Sumut), the Sumatran Orangutan Society-(SOS-OIC), and the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme conducted a number of activities to celebrate Orangutan Caring Week 2009.
November 8 - 2pm-5pm: "Peace Campaign Action" at the roundabout in Central Medan: Poetry reading, dramatic theater in orangutan costume, tree give aways.
November 9 - 10am: "Road Show" visit to local school to celebrate orangutans. Discussion, tree-planting, and theater in orangutan costume.
November 10- Radio Talk Show on KISS FM
November 11- 2pm: "Interactive Campus Discussion" at the University of Medan. Drama, environmental songs, NGO booths, and tree planting.
November 12 - Press Conference with all the Consortium at SRI Restaurant.
November 13-14- Nature Walk, Nature training for students and tree-planting activities to be conducted at Bukit Lawang and Besitang, in conjunction with Cultural Week.

Members of the Orangutan Education Consortium participate in Orangutan Caring Week in the center of Medan. Photos by Reja.

Orangutan Caring Club and members of University of Medan club plant trees at Bukit Lawang during Orangutan Caring Week 2009. Photos by Reja.
Location: Indonesia, West Kalimantan
Organization: Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program

Event Details: Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program participated in Orangutan Caring Week by featuring a special event during the last day of the special week.
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009
Location: Riam Berasap Jaya, Kayong Utara (West Kalimantan, Indonesia)
Activity: Traditional gardening awards and film showing
Background: Riam Berasap Jaya is a village bordering Gunung Palung National Park, home to 5-10% of the remaining wild orangutan population. For several years, Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program has been working with the local community to protect their forest which is in the park's buffer zone. The village has already rejected the palm oil monoculture that has been destroying orangutan habitat across Borneo, and GPOCP has been working with them to develop more sustainable activities. This has included forming a fishing and agriculture cooperative and building a long-term management plan that will give legal protections to the community forest, and organizing local women's groups to develop gardens in their community instead of clearing forest. For several months the women's groups have been tending traditional medicinal herb gardens, and on the evening of November 14 we will acknowledge their work with an award ceremony preceded by a film showing of orangutan nature documentaries.

Judging local garden plots. photo (c) GPOCP

Children gathering to watch BBC's Orangutan Island. photo (c) GPOCP
Location: Indonesia, Jakarta, Java
Organization: Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative Indonesia

Event Details: The Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative Indonesia celebrated Orangutan Caring Week by hosting the following events and activities:
Friday, November 13 - "Support Rally" - at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout (bundaran) on Jalan Thamrin.

Peaceful demonstration at the "Support Rally" in Jakarta. Photo (c) OUREI Indonesia
Location: Indonesia, Ubud, Bali
Organization: Sumatran Orangutan Society
Orangutan Photo Exhibition,
Nov 8th - 10th
@Restaurant Tutmak, Jl. Dewi Sita.
Opening event with presentation in English & Indonesian at 11 am on Nov. 8th. Information available and photos for sale thru exhibition.
School Presentation collaborate with Yayasan GUS,
Nov 9 at 10 - 11.15am
@SMP N 1 Ubud
The activities included a presentation about the rainforest and the Orangutan, paper recycling demonstration and sign the petition sheet by students and teachers
School Presentation collaborate with Yayasan GUS,
Nov 10 at 10 - 11.15am
@SMP PGRI 3 Ubud
The activities included a presentation about the rainforest and the Orangutan, paper recycling demonstration and sign the petition sheet by students and teachers
School Presentation,
Nov 11 at 10 - 10.40am
@SD 3 Petulu, Ubud
The activities included a presentation about the rainforest and the Orangutan, discussion, and sign the petition sheet by students and teachers
Orangutan Movie Nights,
Nov 12th & 13th at 7 - 9pm
@Wantilan Pura Desa, Padang Tegal, JL. Hanoman.
SOS presented the first screening in Indonesia of the award winning eco-thriller "The Burning Season"!
· ENGLISH: Nov 12 at 7 pm
· INDONESIAN: Nov 13 at 7 pm
Movie Screening & Dramatation,
Nov 14th at 8 - 10am
@SD Pelangi Jimbaran
The activities included a presentation and Orangutan Drama, books reading and game. sign the petition sheet by students and teachers
The Jungle Shop,
Open Wed-Mon 11 am - 7 pm
@Jl. Gootama.
The Jungle Shop is celebrating Orangutan Caring Week with great daily promotions and surprises in store!

School children at Pelangi Jimbaran grade school create colorful orangutan masks as part of Orangutan Caring Week. photos (c) SOS
Location: Indonesia, Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan
Organization: YAYORIN

Event Details: YAYORIN participated in Orangutan Awareness Week (November 9-15) by conducting tree-planting events in its numerous program areas.
For more information, contact Togu at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location: Australia, Tasmania
Organization: Australian Orangutan Project-Tasmania Chapter

Event Details: The Tasmanian AOP volunteer group held an information/adoption/merchandise stall at the Sustainable Living Expo.
Date & Time: Saturday, November 7th and Sunday, November 8th from 10am-5pm
Location: Sustainable Living Expo, Wharf No. 1, Hobart Waterfront.
For more information, contact Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location: Australia, Victoria
Organization: Australian Orangutan Project-Victorian Chapter

Event Details: The Victorian AOP chapter held their annual auction benefiting the orangutans - Bid for the Orangs - Take 2
Dates: Friday 13 November
Location: Hotel Nest, 111 Victoria St., Albert Park, VIC 3206
Times: 7pm - late
Price: Adults $65
Dress: Cocktail
Guest speakers: Dr. Ian Singleton, Scientific Director of the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) and Kylie Bullo, active AOP Vice-President & Project Coordinator.
Auctioneer: Glen Coutinho from Hocking Stuart Estate Agents.
Please contact Amber Partington at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to RSVP or for further information.
Download a poster of the event here.
Location: New Zealand
Organization: Auckland Zoo
Madju's 4th Birthday - Saturday 7 November
The Great Ape Race - Thursday 12 November
Event Details - Madju's 4th Birthday
Dates: Saturday 7 November
Times: 10am - 3pm
Price: Normal Zoo Admission
About the event: Orang utan Caring Week got to a great start with orang utan Madju's 4th Birthday Party. There were party activities and special orang utan encounters. Happy birthday was sung and free birthday cake and face painting was enjoyed by all.
Event Details - The Great Ape Race
Dates: Thursday 12 November
Times: 6pm - 9pm
Price: Adults $25, Children $10
Please call the Zoo Information Centre (09) 360 3805 to book
About the event: Each team was given a map covering 10 points within the zoo, some behind-the-scenes. Prizes and refreshments followed the race and no orienteering experience was necessary.
Location: United States, Northridge, California
Organizations: Orang Utan Republik Foundation & Orangutan Conservancy

The Orang Utan Republik Foundation and Orangutan Conservancy had table presentations at the Southern California Primate Research Forum held at CSU Northridge.
Event Details - Southern California Primate Research Forum
Date: Saturday, 7 November
Location: CSU Northridge, Student Union, Northridge Room., Nordhoff St. & Zelzah Ave., Northridge, CA (map: http://www.csun.edu/maps/)
Times: 8:30 am-4:15 pm
Price: CSUN Students: free; other students with ID: $7; General Admission: $12 - pay at the door.
About the event: This biannual event presents research on all primates though it mainly focuses on field research including topics about evolutionary biology, ecology, and behavior. Presenters are usually professors or researchers from California universities though guest lecturers from across the country and world are invited to give lectures. The topic of the November 7th session was "New Directions in Studies of New World Monkeys." Presentations ranged from spider monkey reproductive physiology to kinship and social relations in capuchin monkeys.
OURF Education Chair Wendy Hoole Cundiff at the Orang Utan Republik Foundation's table during the Southern California Primate Research Forum. Photo (c) OURF
Location: United States, Brentwood (Los Angeles), California
Organization: Orang Utan Republik Foundation
The Orang Utan Republik Foundation was at the Sunday Farmer's Market in Brentwood (West Los Angeles) to celebrate Orangutan Caring Week
Event Details: Sunday Farmer's Market
Date: Sunday, 8 November
Location: on Gretna Green, between Montana & San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
Time: 9am-2:30pm
About the event: Orang Utan Republik Foundation was stationed at a local farmer's market to conduct outreach and to celebrate Orangutan Caring Week.

Above: Orang Utan Republik Foundation founders Inggriani & Gary Shapiro and volunteers John Page, Wendy Hoole Cundiff and Flo Ginsberg at the OURF booth at the Farmer's Market during the opening day of Orangutan Caring Week. Below: Inggriani managing the OURF booth. Photos (c) OURF
Location: United States, Woodland Hills, California
Organization: Pierce College

Pierce College's Anthropology Department presented an afternoon lecture by Dr. Gary Shapiro, President of the Orang Utan Republik Foundation.
Event Details - "Orangutans, their Status and Possible Futures"
Date: Thursday, 12 November
Location: Physics Room 0914, Pierce College, 6201 Winnetka Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91371 (click here for campus map)
Time: 1 pm - 2 pm
Price: Free event
About the event: The Anthropology Department of Pierce College hosts an occasional series of presentations from all subdivisions of anthropology, including primate behavior. In celebration of Orangutan Caring Week, Dr. Shapiro presented an hour long lecture on his experience studying and conserving orangutans over the past 4 decades.

Some of the Pierce College students and professors (Dr. Bruce Rowe and Dr. Leland Shapiro) meet with Dr. Gary Shapiro after his presentation. Photo by Chris Rowe.
Locations: United States- Portland, Oregon; Sacramento, California; Atlanta, Georgia
Organizations: Orangutan Outreach with Brookfield Zoo, Milwaukee Zoo, Oregon Zoo, Sacramento Zoo, Toronto Zoo, and Zoo Atlanta

Event Details: Orangutan Outreach and Forest School 101 kids were at a variety of zoos to celebrate Orangutan Caring Week.

For specific dates, times and locations, contact Rich Zimmerman of Orangutan Outreach at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location: United States, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Organization: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Event Details: Join the Zoo in building orangutan awareness.
Dates: Saturday and Sunday, November 14 and 15
Location: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Primate World. 4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Activities included making orangutan enrichment, building a hay nest, coloring and orangutan art viewing.
Also on the agenda:
- 12:00 p.m. - See an orangutan demonstration and Keeper talk
- 1:30 p.m. - Learn about nest building
- 2:00 p.m. - Tour an orangutan exhibit
- 2:30 p.m. - Orangutan enrichment demonstration.
The zoo also has a informative webpage on the palm oil crisis at http://www.cmzoo.org/conservation/palmOilCrisis/
Location: United States, Miami, Florida
Organization: Miami Metro Zoo

Event details: Miami Metro Zoo volunteers participated in Orangutan Caring Week during the last weekend.
Dates: 14 & 15 November
Location: Miami Metro Zoo, 1 Zoo Boulevard, 12400 SW 152 Street, Miami, FL
Times: 10am - 4pm
Price: Adults-$15.95; Children-$11.95
The volunteers and docents at Miami Metrozoo, Miami, Florida, hosted tables full of biofacts, fun facts, informational displays, interactive games, free temporary tattoos, and more. Metrozoo's resident orangutans, Bonnie and Mango, were discussed at the Zookeeper talks at 11:30 am daily. For more information, please contact Holly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location: United States, Topeka, Kansas
Organization: Topeka Zoo

Event Details: Topeka Zoo celebrated Orangutan Awareness Week.
Dates: 8-15 November
Location: Topeka Zoo, 635 SW Gage Blvd, Topeka, KS 66606
Time: 10am - 4pm
About the event: The Topeka Zoo invited people to learn about orangutans during International Orangutan Awareness Week, November 8-15th. The zoo had a special display in the Asian section of the Discovering Apes Building from 10 am to 4 pm each day. Participants learned about the dwindling wild orangutan population, and what they can do to make a difference.
The Topeka Zoos Bornean orangutan family includes: Rayma, who celebrated her fourth birthday on April 5th, along with her mother, Rudy 23, Daisy Mae, 43, Lena 27 and father Mawas 20.
The week long display focused on the decreasing wild orangutan population caused by poaching, illegal pet trade in orangutans, habitat destruction by loggers destroying their natural habitat in the rain forest islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Research indicates that orangutans may become extinct in the wild by 2025 unless dramatic steps are not taken to reduce the illegal taking of orangutans for the pet trade, poaching and habitat destruction on both islands.
For more information, contact the zoo at 785-368-9131
Location: United States, St. Paul, Minnesota
Organization: Como Zoo

Event Details: Join Como Zoo for an Orangutan Celebration
Dates: 14 & 15 November
Location: Como Zoo, 1225 Estabrook Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55103
Times: 10am-4pm
Price: free
Enjoy a weekend of activities that teach about the endangered orangutan.
For more information, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 651-487-8200
Location: United States, Jackson, Mississippi
Organization: The Jackson Zoo

Event Details: The Jackson Zoo docents celebrated Orangutan Awareness Day in conjunction with Orangutan Outreach.
Dates: 14 November
Location: The Jackson Zoo, 2918 West Capitol St., Jackson, MS 39209
Times: 10am-12pm
Price: Adults: $6; Children $4
Learn about what you can do to save the endangered orangutan.
For more information call the zoo at (601)352-2580
Location: United States, Alburqueque, New Mexico
Organization: Rio Grande Zoo

Event Details: Join the Rio Grande Zoo for Ape Awareness Week
Dates: Sunday, November 8 through Saturday, November 14
Location: Rio Grande Zoo, 903 Tenth Street SW, Alburqueque, NM
Times: 10:30am-12:30pm
Price: Adults-$7; Children-$3
Orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas face many threats in the wild from habitat loss and destruction to poaching and all three animals are listed as endangered species. The good news is: you can help!
Find out how by visiting the Rio Grande Zoo for the annual Ape Awareness Week. Youll learn about conservation efforts underway, get your copy of our orangutan-friendly gift guide and discover the fascinating natural history of these large primates. Download an Orangutan-Safe Gift Guide.
For more information, please call (505) 764-6214.
Location: United States, Houston, Texas
Organization: Houston Zoo

The Houston Zoo once again celebrated Orangutan Caring Week with special events on November 7 and 8.
Event Details - Houston Zoo's Orangutan Caring Week Celebration
Date: Saturday, 7 November and Sunday, 8 November
Location: 6200 Golf Course Drive, Houston, TX
Times: 9:00 am-6:00 pm
Price: Children: $6; Adults: $10
About the event: The zoo sold merchandise for conservation; and multiple volunteers who have traveled to Borneo to see orangutans in the wild were on hand both days to educate the public.
For more information, please contact Orangutan keeper, Tammy Buhrmester at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location: United States, Waco, Texas
Organization: Cameron Park Zoo

Event Details: Cameron Park Zoo celebrated Orangutan Caring Week by hosting the Great Zoo Stampede 2009.
Date: Saturday, 14 November
Location: Cameron Park Zoo 1701 North 4th St Waco, Texas 76707
Time: 7am
About the event: Enjoy a 5K, 10K, and 1-Mile run benefited the animals at Cameron Park Zoo. Many people enjoyed the fun and excitement! A map was be posted at http://www.wacostriders.com/ and on race day. For the health of our animals & yours, pets were allowed in the zoo. Please leave your fuzzy friends at home. Thanks!! Sign up by clicking here.
For more information, contact Kristi Hemrick at 254-750-8415
Location: United Kingdom
Organization: Orangutan Land Trust

The Orangutan Land Trust presented an evening with 'Orangutan Island's Lone Dröscher Nielsen
Event Details - "Seeking Solutions for the Survival of the Orangutan in the Wild"
Dates: Wednesday 18 November
Location: Woburn Safari Park, Safari Lodge
Times: 7pm - late
Price: Adults £15 ; Children £10
About the talk: During this hour long talk, Lone Dröscher Nielsen explained the threats facing orangutans including the wildlife trade, illegal logging and the conversion of forest habitat for oil-palm plantations. Lone will also touched on the tragedies and triumphs of her work in orangutan conservation over the past 15 years and introduced some of the orangutans who have touched her life. To book, please contact Adele Clegg on (01525) 290991 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Download a poster of the event here
Location: United Kingdom
Organization: Orangutan Foundation UK
Orangutan Awareness Week 2009 Children's Poetry Competition. |
This year for Orangutan Awareness Week Orangutan Foundation ran a children's poetry competition in conjunction with National Geographic Kids Magazine. They asked children aged between 6 and 16 to write a poem (up to 125 words) that highlights the problems orangutans and the rainforests face. Thursday 12th November, was Orange for Orangutan Day (c). Here are some images from that big day. |